This sermon explores the concept of belief, particularly focusing on the raising of Lazarus. Kevinemphasizes that belief in Christ is not a one-time event but a growing, deepening commitment. He highlights how Jesus used the miracle of raising Lazarus to strengthen the disciples' faith and prepare them for His upcoming crucifixion and resurrection. The sermon underscores the importance of believing in God's power to overcome even death, and how this belief should transform our lives and witness to others.
- Jan 5, 2025Belief Beyond the Tomb: Embracing the Call to Life
Jan 5, 2025Belief Beyond the Tomb: Embracing the Call to LifeBy: Kevin GravesSeries: Gospel of John
This sermon explores the concept of belief, particularly focusing on the raising of Lazarus. Kevinemphasizes that belief in Christ is not a one-time event but a growing, deepening commitment. He highlights how Jesus used the miracle of raising Lazarus to strengthen the disciples' faith and prepare them for His upcoming crucifixion and resurrection. The sermon underscores the importance of believing in God's power to overcome even death, and how this belief should transform our lives and witness to others.
- Sep 22, 2024Pointing to Christ
Sep 22, 2024Pointing to ChristBy: Kevin GravesSeries: Individual messagesKevin explores the Old Testament sacrifices as described in Leviticus. He emphasizes how these sacrifices foreshadow and point to Jesus Christ's ultimate sacrifice. He explains that while animal sacrifices could not truly take away sin, they were acts of worship and obedience that demonstrated faith. Kevin highlights how Jesus fulfills the role of the perfect sacrifice, taking away sin once and for all. It also stresses the importance of continual praise and worship as our "burnt offering" to God in response to Christ's sacrifice.
- Jun 30, 2024What are You Running From?
- Dec 31, 2023Do You Have Vision?
- Apr 3, 2022Sharing is Caring